Packaging Design &
Quality Packaging Box

for you business people, corporates, SMEs, shop owners and online shop

Some of Our Partner Packaging

and why choose us

Fast Work

Listen to client


Friendly Service

Safe Transaction


Get a Dazzling Design in Lowest Price

It is our pleasure to help
Business Growth

Smooth & Skillful Touch our Designers, Ready to help you Increase Your Brand's Selling Power

Hello Business Friend,
As an entrepreneur or aspiring entrepreneur. Maybe you have or are experiencing things like this?

  • Your product is hard to sell
  • Not Easy to ‘See’ Prospective Customers
  • Customer Not Returning
  • Products Unknown to Consumers
  • You Have a Price War
  • Your Product is Marketable and Not Unique
  • Turnover Down!?

Check it out buddy, maybe your brand
less “kick”

Yes, that's right, branding is the face of a business entity. if the 'face' is ugly, of course the first impression won't be tempting

The need for creative design is a very important part in today’s era of global competition, especially for Small Medium Entrepreneurs (MSMEs) who certainly need Brand strength to deal with it.

Design is also an inseparable part of a brand’s marketing strategy. It is not uncommon for a service or product to be chosen by consumers because of its unique, attractive and trustworthy design.

and what if the first impression of your business
impressive Unique, Cool, Classy, & “make you hungry”??

What kind of packaging is made

We are always helping to make your business grow

Snack Packaging

Are you a food entrepreneur? Or Even a Five star restaurant? Don't worry sis, consult us until you are satisfied

Drink Packaging

'What about the service business?' Practice sis, we will adjust the market needs of your business. From laundry to travel, even EO Wedding

Request Packaging

The company asked you to make the logo? Appropriate! contact us directly, we help so that your boss is amazed

"Is that all right?"

Yes or no, sis, hihi.. there's a lot we can help with Logo & Branding, contact us directly, sis

Because we are there for you

Introducing sis, we are REDBOX, a trusted design & branding service by more than 1000+ SMEs

We provide logo design services for SMEs and corporates, housing logo designs, culinary logos, business and service logos, event logo designs, birthday logos, personal logos, anniversary logos, label logos, wedding logos and also logo rebranding.

In addition, our team is also an expert in terms of social media marketing & advertising. Please contact us


Supervisor at REDBOX

Satisfied Customers

The result is neat as i need. I'm really in love with your designs. 4 out of 5 of my products, you are the one who designed it and Alhamdulillah, all of them are selling!
Kak Anggia
Young entrepreneurs

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Redbox © 2022

Packaging Design Services | Graphic design